"Chosen, Transformed & Living Righteously"
Another Chance Ministries develops, cultivates and stewards the spiritual rehabilitation of Recently Released Incarcerated Persons in Alabama and Disabled/Homeless Veterans thru Biblically-based guidance, transition housing, counseling and instruction.
We have 50+ years of experience assisting and providing services to incarcerated persons!
100% Tax Deductible Donation.
We are a 501.(C).3 Non-Profit Organization. We're accepting Donations of Land and Habitable Houses located in Montgomery, AL.

We Offer Service To
Our endeavor is to minimize the serious hunger & homelessness that so many families and individuals experience.

Non-profit Organization

Another Chance Ministries of AL, Inc., "Chosen, Transformed & Living Righteously", is a Christian, 501.{C}.3., Non-Profit Organization that strives to provide help, counseling and specialized assistance, in Alabama, to some of the Recently Released Incarcerated Persons, Disabled/Homeless Veterans, Young Abused Women/Men and also, for some Temporary Homeless Individuals, (homeless moms or dads with young children) who have recently experienced hardships that have left them Jobless, Homeless and Without HOPE.
Once we identify urgent and emergency needs of individuals, we refer them to the respective agencies that specialize in those concentrated areas to ensure that their immediate needs are met in a timely manner. Our partnerships with various State/Federal/Local and Private Agencies that handle such matters and requirements on a full time basis will provide a smooth transition to immediately provide the needed services that those individuals contacting us actually require.
of Alabama
P.O. BOX 55
Hope Hull, AL 36043
Invest In Us
Checks, Money Orders, and Cashier’s Checks. We also welcome donations of Land and Habitable Houses located in Montgomery, AL.
Another Chance Ministries of Alabama P.O. BOX 55 Hope Hull, AL 36043